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Top 10 trends in China's "smart manufacturing" field in 2022



"Intelligent manufacturing" has always been the focus of the China Manufacturing Fair, which is based on a new generation of information and communication technology and advanced manufacturing technology, throughout all aspects of research and development, design, production, supply, service and other manufacturing, to achieve a comprehensive intelligent new production mode. Intelligent manufacturing is an important direction for China to realize the national strategy of Made in China 2025, which has attracted the attention of all parties in the market. Today, Xiaobian will take you to understand the 10 major trends in the intelligent manufacturing market in 2022, which must not be missed.

Trend 1: China's intelligent manufacturing software market will reach 261 billion yuan in 2022, and maintain an annual growth rate of 15%.

China's manufacturing industry is huge, and there is a strong demand for intelligent transformation in the macro environment of digital China. With the continuous implementation of the "Made in China 2025" strategy, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies to vigorously promote, China's intelligent manufacturing software industry is in the growth stage, in this stage the vast majority of manufacturing enterprises are shifting from extensive management to fine, high-quality development, while the field of intelligent manufacturing is also ushering in more and more favorable policies

Institutional data show that in 2022, China's intelligent manufacturing software market will reach 261 billion yuan, and maintain an annual growth rate of about 15%, and can grow into a 400 billion volume market in 2025. Among them, segments such as biopharmaceuticals and integrated circuits are hot demand industries in 2022.

Trend two: In 2022, manufacturing enterprises set up digital technology subsidiaries, which has an impact on the market pattern.

Intelligent manufacturing software market pattern has a significant feature: more and more non-traditional technology enterprises into the digital, the establishment of their own digital technology subsidiaries, become an important force to rewrite the competitive pattern, such as BMW Brilliance set up a digital subsidiary of Lingyue, the United States Group set up the United States cloud intelligence number.

In 2022, with the digital demand that allows enterprises to be closer to customers, faster market response, higher production efficiency, and less resource consumption, more and more large manufacturing enterprises are also planning to establish their own digital technology subsidiaries, helping the group's business to be more compatible with the development of the industry's upstream and downstream resources to improve the overall competitiveness.

Trend 3: With "dual carbon" as an opportunity, smart manufacturing will accelerate in 2022.

At the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly in 2020, China proposed a "dual carbon" goal, aiming to reach a peak before 2030, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Intelligent manufacturing, as a representative of advanced productivity, is closely related to "double carbon".

In the future, manufacturing enterprises will use big data, artificial intelligence and Internet of Things technology to build an energy efficiency management system based on intelligent manufacturing core drive in the smart park, carry out statistics and analysis on equipment energy consumption information, environmental information and operational information, and obtain decision-making data and information related to energy surge consumption and energy stagnation efficiency to help managers understand the historical and current energy surge usage. And predict the future energy consumption trend, assist managers to make the correct energy lag improvement strategy, to achieve multi-energy surge, multi-mode and multi-user integrated management. "Double carbon" is a development opportunity for manufacturers, covering products, technology, marketing and many other aspects.

Trend four: In 2022, we need to shift our focus from "intra-enterprise" to "inter-enterprise" to seize the industrial chain synergy market.

The COVID-19 epidemic has brought a severe impact on the world economy, and has also caused China to think about the construction of industrial chains. Strong chain, complement chain, chain length, chain master, and industrial chain upgrading are frequently mentioned, and industrial chain digitalization is the next digital direction after department informatization, enterprise informatization, and enterprise digitalization. It is imperative to use digital technology to upgrade the traditional interaction mode of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and collaborate with the upstream and downstream of products to build an industrial chain with high elasticity, strong collaboration and strong pressure resistance.

According to the Hibi Institute, at least 30% of leading software and cloud vendors are aware of this market shift and are actively responding to it. In 2022, manufacturers need to shift their focus from "intra-enterprise" to "inter-enterprise" to seize the industrial chain synergy market.

Trend 5: In 2022, the cloud edge collaboration architecture will form a certain alternative role to the cloud architecture.

With the continuous development of technologies such as the Internet of Things and the continuous increase of data, cloud-based Internet of Things solutions are gradually unable to meet the growing needs of enterprises, and more and more enterprises have begun to turn their attention to edge computing and use it as an extension of the cloud to accelerate the speed of data analysis and facilitate enterprises to make faster and better decisions.

Compared with other industries, the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry has a strong demand for "massive data", "instant interaction" and "stability and security". In the case of manufacturing transformation in recent years, edge end equipment began to appear frequently.

Through the cooperation with artificial intelligence, big data, 5G and other technologies, the formation of more efficient and low-cost solutions. The emergence and practice of cloud-edge collaboration is precisely to make up for the shortcomings of traditional centralized cloud services, which can reduce latency, improve scalability, enhance access to information, and make business development more agile.

Trend 6: In 2022, human-computer interaction technologies such as AR&MR will upgrade user experience.

How to combine people, experience and business in the digital environment and continuously create better user experience has become one of the focus objects of enterprise management. Human-machine interaction technologies such as AR&MR have made great achievements, and immersive interaction methods can bring new experiences to manufacturing users.

Application scenarios include AR device management, AR training, AR inspection, and AR far exceeding diagnosis. In 2022, more intelligent manufacturing software manufacturers will try to apply human-computer interaction technologies such as AR&MR to manufacturing.

Trend 7: "IT+OT data penetration and data drive" is an important starting point for data elements to land in the manufacturing industry.

Once common applications in manufacturing were project management, research and development management and collaboration tools, etc., with the development of the digital age, software has been realized and a large amount of data has been generated. There are two types of data: IT data and OT data.

Based on the basic state of the physical entity and the integration of the two types of data, it is possible to build a complete digital twin model of facilities, equipment and products, covering the whole process from receiving orders, making production, to shipping logistics monitoring, real-time monitoring, but also to predict possible future business changes in the digital world in advance, make data-driven decisions, and improve intelligent manufacturing agility.

Therefore, "IT+OT data penetration, data driven" is of great significance in the construction of smart factories, and is an important starting point for data elements to land in the manufacturing industry.

Trend eight: Data security ranks first in the list of manufacturers' technical concerns, and manufacturers need to pay more attention in 2022.

According to the Hibi Research Institute, the number one technology concern among vendors is data security, with 23% of vendors saying this is their key focus technology. The reason for this phenomenon is that data is the cornerstone of the DT (data technology) era, and data security, as an important part of its data governance, is related to the success or failure of data governance.

Whether it is due to the internal needs of business development or external legal compliance requirements such as the Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China, how to do a good job in data security governance and ensure data security is an important issue for manufacturing enterprises and intelligent manufacturing software manufacturers in 2022.

Trend No. 9: Specialized new enterprises in 2022 deserve the attention of all manufacturers.

In July 2011, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology "China's Industrial Development and Industrial Policy Report (2011)" proposed: "vigorously promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises to the direction of" specialization, refinement, specificity, and novelty ". This is the first time that "specialized and special" has appeared in our vision.

Since then, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued guidance on promoting the development of "specialized and special new" smes in 2013, and proposed to carry out the cultivation of specialized and special new "little giants" in 2018. It was not until today, ten years later, that "special and special" really caught fire. As of September 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has announced three batches of specialized new "little giant" enterprise lists, a total of 4,762 enterprises on the list.

In 2022, there will be more specialized new manufacturing enterprises with core technologies to usher in new development, they are an important new market for intelligent manufacturing, worthy of attention of all manufacturers.

Trend 10: The problem of talent shortage will become more prominent in 2022.

In the future, enterprises will continue to strengthen the level of intelligent manufacturing, constantly improve the digitalization and networking of equipment, strengthen digital design, build intelligent workshops, apply a large number of integrated technologies, mining and analyzing production and manufacturing data. More and more manufacturing enterprises realize that intelligent manufacturing is the key to enhance the core competitiveness, and the demand for intelligent manufacturing talents is large and rising.

The demand for intelligent manufacturing talents who understand both IT and manufacturing is increasing faster than the rate of supply, and the market is in a state of shortage of talents, which will be more prominent in 2022. It is necessary for the government, universities, manufacturers and enterprises to pay great attention to the problem of systematic intelligent manufacturing talent training.